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Piątek, 14 lutego 2025
Imieniny: Walenty, Liliana, Zenon - Walentynki

Angielska wersja językowa

The seat of the district authorities: the city of Zawiercie
Area: 1003,27 km2
Population: 122 430 (30.06.2010)
Dominant characteristics: tourism and agricultural area

Zawiercie district is situated in the north-east part of the Silesian Voivodschip, in the very heart of picturesque Wyżyna Krakowsko-Częstochowska (Krakowsko-Częstochowska Uplands), called “Jura”. The district consists of 10 communes: Zawiercie, Poręba, Łazy, Ogrodzieniec, Pilica, Szczekociny, Kroczyce, Żarnowiec, Włodowice and Irządze. These Jurassic communes, of much tourist interest, invite all those who love nature, beautiful landscapes, and history, both in summer and in winter. Between spring and autumn Zawiercie District is a perfec place for active tourism: extremely popular rock climbing (in Podlesie, Rzędkowice, Podzamcze, Ryczów villages) but also hiking, biking and horse riding. In summer – bathing spots in Siamoszyce, Dzibice, Kostkowice villages and Przyłubsko (Kroczyce commune), a waterreservoir in Włodowice village, in Pilica villagea bathing spot in Łazy, or a water reservoir in Szczekociny villages. In autumn forests are full of mushroom. In winter, you can go skiing on skiing slopes in Morsko village (Zawiercie commune)and in Smoleń village (Pilica commune), or cross-country skiing near Podlesice village. All this in beautiful Jurasic surroundings, mysterious roc complexesand caves. Strongholds dating back to 14th century, belonging to so called “Eagle Nests’ Route” (Szlak Orlich Gniazd), including the most famous ruins of the castle in Ogrodzieniec in Podzamcze called “Small Wawel”, as well as the ruins of castles in Smoleń and Morsko villages, a fortalice in Wiesiółka village, and ruins of watchtower in Ryczów have become an inherent part of the Jurassic landscape. The most valuable natural areas and fragments of the landscape of the Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska, have become nature’s reserves. Zawiercie District includes four such reserves: “Góra Chełm”(“Chełm Mountain” - Łazy commune), “Góra Zborów” (“Zborów Mountain” - Kroczyce commune), “Smoleń” (Pilica commune) and “Ruska Góra” (“Ruska Mountain” - in the area of Ogrodzieniec and Pilica communes).

The most visited cities of southern Poland are not far from here: Cracov (67 km from Zawiercie) and Częstochowa (45 km) as well as the biggest city of the Silesian conurbation – Katowice (43 km). This beautifull spot is visited both by polish and foreign tourists (the nearness of the airports in Katowice-Pyrzowice and Cracow-Balice makes the place easily accessible).

The seat of the commune authorities: the city of Zawiercie
Area: 85.24 km²
Population: 52,290
4 smaller administrative units (villages): Karlin, Łośnice, Pomrożyce, Skarżyce; 17 inhabited areas: Argentyna, Blanowice, Borowe Pole, Bzów, Centrum, Dąbrowica, Kromołów, Marciszów, Miodowa, Piłsudskiego, Stary Rynek, Stawki, Szymańskiego, Warty, Zuzanka, Zuzanka I, Żerkowice
Dominant characteristics: a municipality; farmlands 59%; woodlands 20%

The city of Zawiercie (the seat of the disctrict and commune authorities) is situated at the Warta river (the river has its springs in the city district of Kromołów). The city is an important regional centre of both railway and car communication. Zawiercie is also a great starting point for trips to the most attractive places in the Kraków-Częstochowa highland, also known as the Jura. For this reason the city is often nicknamed ‘The gateway to the Jura’.


  •  TAZ historic settlement from the turn of 19th and 20th centuries with houses of workers and clerks, as well as school, bath house, church, “Pałacyk Szymańskiego” [Szymański’s residence] - villa of factory’s owner, and so called “resursa” [a building of a former local social club].
  •  Neo-Gothic collegiate church under the patronage of St Peter and St Paul, of 1900, situated in the very centre of the town.
  •  Church under the patronage of St Nicolas in Zawiercie-Kromołów, erected in 16th century.
  •  Cemetery of Jewish faith in Zawiercie-Kromołów from 18th and 19th centuries.
  •  Church under the patronage of the Holy Trinity and St Florian in Skarżyce, dating back to 1583,
  •  was constructed from raw limestone. In the corner of the fence wall there is the altar of Holy Mother of Skarżyce, acknowledged as a sanctuary.
  •  Żerkowice – a village mentioned already in 1220, with a chapel constructed of limestone, from 19th century.
  •  Ruins of „Bąkowiec” Castle in Zawiercie-Łężec, erected in 14th century, currently on the territory of Recreational Centre in Morsko.
  •  Bzów – a village mentioned already in 14th century, situated near the source of Czarna Przemsza River, also a manor house dating back to 18th century.
  •  Karlin – a village dating back to 12th century, with a chapel boasting a beautiful Baroque altar decorated with folk sculptures of saints, erected in 1894, and a roadside stone shrine from 19th century.
  •  The hill beyond Blanowice village with a beautiful view on the Depression of the Upper Warta River and Jura’s cuesta, with Rudniki village situated on its slope.
  •  The rise between Pomrożyce and Skarżyce villages, with a wide view over Jurassic inselberg, in particular on the rock wall of Skały Rzędkowickie [Rzędkowickie Rocks].
  •  Okiennik Wielki – one of the most beautiful inselbergs in the Jura, a rock with a characteristic opening, in which you can see marks after beams dating back to 12th – 13th centuries – of a former stronghold. To the east of Zawiercie-Skarżyce.


  •  The Sports and Recreation Centre offers a variety of modern sports facilities: two sports halls, an indoor swim
  •  ming pool, a stadium, a multifunctional sports field, an ice rink and a Skatepark.


  •  The Kromołów Fair in Kromołów (July)
  •  Die Days of Zawiercie (September)
  •  The All-Poland Integration Meeting of Disabled Artists (September)
  •  The International Ballroom Dancing Contest (November)
  •  „Zawitały anioły” („The angels have come”) – a Christmas fair in the Castle upon the Warta river in Kromołów
The Irządze commune

The seat of the commune authorities: the village of Irządze
Area: 73.55 km²
Population: 2,837
11 smaller administrative units (villages): Irządze, Zawada Pilicka , Witów, Wygiełzów, Mikołajewice, Sadowie, Woźniki, Bodziejowice, Zawadka, Wilków, Wilgoszcza
Dominant characteristics: a typical agricultural area; farmlands 66.6%; woodlands 24.4%; wasteland 9%

The Irządze Commune is a typical agricultural area. Since most of the soil is of excellent quality (soil class 3. and 2.) and the green areas (meadows and pastures) are classified as class 2. to 4., the agricultural activity focuses mainly on plant production (crops and fodder) and animal farming (mainly swine and cattle). The area is a paradise for those who want to relax close to nature
leaving behind the constraints of civilisation, as well as to enjoy the taste of delicious homemade
bread and fresh farming products.


  •  Church under the patronage of St Wacław from about 1326, the main altar with the Holy Mother in the embossed, silver dress, next to the altar are consoles with statues of St Stanisław and St Wojciech [St Adalbert in the Baroque style. The pulpit in the shape of a sailing boat, and a unique, historic, richly decorated confessional.
  •  Park and manor complex of 18th century in Irządze, constituting a monument of the art of gardening, with the manor house of the Misiewski family. Presently the seat of the Communal Office. Near the manor is a 500-year littleleaf linden tree.
  •  Park and manor complex of the historical value in Zawada Pilicka village, with the manor situated in its central part, erected probably in ca. 1850. In the park you can admire trees that are natural monuments, such as European larch and littleleaf linden. Currently a private property.
  •  Park and manor complex of the historic value in Wygiełzów, situated on the hill, in the bifurcation of two small right-bank tributaries of Białka River. Beautiful masonry manor house from the 1st half of 19th century, is an example of typical Polish gentry style house. Currently a private property.


  • The Sport and Recreation Festivity and the Harvest Feast (both August)
The Kroczyce commune

The seat of the commune authorities: the village of Kroczyce
Area: 110.15 km²
Population: 6,302
20 smaller administrative units (villages): Biała Błotna, Browarek, Dzibice, Dobrogoszczyce, Gołuchowice, Huta Szklana, Kostkowice, Kroczyce Okupne, Kroczyce Stare, Lgota
Murowana, Lgotka, Podlesice, Piaseczno, Pradła, Przyłubsko, Siamoszyce, Siedliszowice, Siemięrzyce, Szypowice, Trzciniec
Dominant characteristics: a tourist area, farmlands 59%; woodlands 30%.

The Kroczyce commune is situated between the rivers Krztynia und Białka and represents one of the most interesting areas in the Kraków- Częstochowa highland. Its attractions include inselbergs, caves, picturesque routes and tourist paths leading the visitors through the most beautiful parts of the highland. The charming landscapes are enriched by extraordinary plant life. Apart from the typical mountain soils, the commune is also home to stenothermal plants usually found on steppes
and marshes as well as water plants.


  •  Okiennik Wielki – one of the most beautiful inselbergs in the Jura, a rock with a characteristic opening, in which you can see marks after beams dating back to 12th – 13th centuries – of a former stronghold. To the east of Zawiercie-Skarżyce.
  •  The Parish Church under the patronage of St Jacek [St Jack] and St Magdalena from 1893, with the main altar in the shape of the cavern in Lourdes made of a lump of calcite, and historic organs as well as unique stained-glass windows.
  •  Range of Kroczyckie Rocks with nature’s reserve „Góra Zborów” (area of 45,00 ha, established in 1957). There is a hill called Berkowa Góra [Berkowa Mountain] 463 m a.s.l. and two rock ridges – Góra Zborów [Zborów Mountain] 464 m a.s.l. and lower Kołoczek hill. Góra Zborów is separated from Kołoczek hill by a beautiful pass with numerous charming and secluded spots.
  •  You should visit also the chapels in Kroczyce and Podlesice villages, as well as traditional, settlement of wooden peasant farm buildings, among others in Pradła village.


  •  The Kroczyce Rocks (Skały Kroczyckie) is a chain of hills situated to the west of the village Kroczyce. The Zborów-Berkowa Mount (Góra Zborów-Berkowa) rising to 462 m above sea level is one the largest limestone rock complexes in the Jura region.
  •  The Podlesice Rocks (Skały Podlesickie) are rock complexes situated to the west of the village Podlesice.


  •  Open to visitors: the Głęboka cave (Jaskinia Głęboka) in Krucze Skały and the Berkowa cave (Jaskinia Berkowa) are difficult to explore.
  •  Accessible only with the use of climbing equipment: the Wielkanocna cave (Jaskinia Wielkanocna), the Wielka Studnia Szpatowców cave (Jaskinia Wielka Studnia Szpatowców), the Żabia cave (Jaskinia Żabia) among others.
  •  The cave in Kroczyce was discovered in 1937. Inside the cave human and animal bones were found. A curiosity that deserves mentioning is the fact that the bones are partially covered with dripstone formations. The age of the remains is estimated at about 2,000 years.


  •  The sports field in Kroczyce (ul. Partyzantów), the sports hall of the gymnasium in Kroczyce, the multifunctional sports fields of the primary schools in Pradła and Kroczyce and next to the village club in Siedliszowice.
  •  Horse riding
  •  Sailing: Ośrodek Wypoczynkowy Ciechan-Zdrój, Siamoszyce 42-425 Kroczyce tel. (034) 315 56 56, kom. 0 601 157 479.
  •  The centre is permitted to offer water sports facilities to visitors. The artificial lake in Dzibice has a harbour open during the tourist season, where the guests can rent water sports equipment.
  •  The artificial lakes in Dzibice, Biała Błotna, Przyłubsko, Siamoszyce (the lake on the river Krztynia with a bathing beach. The recreation centre Ciechan-Zdrój is situated next to the lake), Kroczyce (an amphitheatre with adjoining sports and recreation facilities).


  •  Midsummer Night’s Eve festivity in Kroczyce (Kroczyckie Wianki), commemorating the tradition of the Kupala Day (June)
The Łazy commune

The seat of the commune authorities: the city of Łazy
Area: 132.56 km²
Population: 15,992
14 smaller administrative units (villages): Turza, Kuźnica Masłońska, Rokitno Szlacheckie, Hutki Kanki, Grabowa, Skałbania, Niegowoniczki, Niegowonice, Trzebyczka, Chruszczobród,
Chruszczobród Piaski, Wiesiółka, Wysoka, Ciągowice
Dominant characteristics: a tourist and agricultural area; farmlands 47%; woodlands 44%

The Łazy commune is situated at the border of the protective zone of the landscape park „The Eagle’s Nests Trail“ and of the Kraków- Częstochowa highland. In a way, this area is „the gateway to the Jura“ for visitors from the Zagłębie region and from Silesia. The areas with the most tourist attractions and the most interesting landscapes are situated in the eastern and southern parts of the
commune, which belong to the Complex of Landscape Parks of the Silesia Voivodeship.


  •  Historic water tower in Łazy.
  •  Church under the patronage of St Bartłomiej [St Bartholomew] of 1879 with paintings of historical value.
  •  Manor house in Ciągowice with well-preserved buildings and a park. The village itself has preserved a Medieval urban layout with a descending central market and exits in its corners.
  •  The church under the patronage of St Francis in Niegowonice of 1802, constructed in the Baroque-classical style, with historic sculptures and liturgical vessels.
  •  Larch wood manor house in Niegownice, with partially well-preserved garden, a park and fish ponds.
  •  Ruins of the gentry manor house from the turn of 18th and 19th centuries, situated in the old park with valuable tree stand in Rokitno Szlacheckie.
  •  Historic chapels in the villages Grabowa und Hutki-Kanki
  •  Church from 18h century with historic sculptures of late Gothic and Baroque periods in Chruszczobród village.
  •  The most intriguing landscapes include also the former quarry at the foot of the Stodólsko Mountain in Niegowonice, the valley of the Mitręga and Trzebyczka river, the tributary streams of the Czarna Przemsza river with the surrounding meadows and fields, the Czarna Przemsza river with the surrounding forests and the valley of the Centuria river in the villages Hutki Kanki and Grabowa.
  •  A part of the famous chain Smoleńsk-Niegowonice, which rises prominently above the neighbouring land. The chain consists of lovely hills and picturesque limestone inselbergs. The tallest hills Stodólsko (435 meters above sea level), Wielkanoc und Lipowa offer perfect views of the landscape.
  •  The ski slope in Grabowa
  •  The forest reserve Góra Chełm in the vicinity of the village Hutki-Kanki. The reserve provides partial protection to the forested hill area.
  •  The forests covering the entire commune area are an ideal setting for family picnics, hiking and cycling. In the sommer season they attract the lovers of forest fruit and mushroom hunters.


  •  Waterpark Jura in Łazy (phone number +48 32 670 97 90)
  •  The artificial lake Mitręga in Łazy.
  •  The cultural, tourist and recreation centre located in the primary school in the village of Grabowa offers sports equipment for rent: cross- country skis, climbing equipment, spyglasses, binoculars.
  •  The ski piste on the Kadłuby slope in the village Grabowa. A well-lit piste maintained with a snow groomer, 260 meters long, at an angle of 30°. Its favourable location in a ravine means that good skiing conditions hold longer here. A ski tow with a single ski route.
  •  Sports facilities: the city stadium in Łazy, football pitches in Rokitno Szlacheckie and Wysoka, the Stadium of the 700th Anniversary of the village Niegowonice, the football pitch in Ciągowice, volleyball and basketball courts in Łazy (located in ul. Młynek and ul. Trójkąt).
  •  The sports hall Klaudiusz in Łazy.


  •  The Kupala Day (June)
  •  The Harvest Feast (August/September)
The Ogrodzieniec commune

The seat of the commune authorities: the city of Ogrodzieniec
Area: 86 km²
Population: 9,520
10 smaller administrative units (villages): Fugasówka, Giebło, Giebło Kolonia, Gulzów, Kiełkowice, Mokrus, Podzamcze, Ryczów, Ryczów Kolonia, Żelazko
Dominant characteristics: a tourist and agricultural area; farmlands 45,7%; woodlands 44,8%

The Ogrodzieniec commune is situated in the very heart of the Kraków-Częstochowa Jurassic Highland Chain. The area’s landmarks are the gorgeous, typically jurassic landscapes: picturesque hills consisting of lime rocks and inselbergs, whose white slopes are visible from a distance, an abundance of forests, unique plant and animal life. The development of tourism is enhanced by the region’s tourist attractions as well as by the favourable location at the border between the Silesia and Lesser Poland voivodships, in the middle of the area demarcated by the agglomerations of
Kraków, Katowice and Częstochowa and in the proximity of international communication routes and airports.


  •  Ruins of Medieval Ogrodzieniec Castle from 14th in Podzamcze village, are one of the biggest, the most beautiful and the best-preserved in Poland. Remind of the past glory, power and are called “Small Wawel” not without reason. The ruins of the castle rises up on the north slope of Wzgórze Zamkowe [Castle Hill], the peak of which (Janowski Mountain) reaches 512 m a.s.l. The ruins are open for visitors.
  •  The reconstructed medieval Royal Fortified Town on the Birów Mountain in the village Podzamcze, situated to the north of the ruins of the castle. The town is open to visitors.
  •  Sanctuary of Matka Boska Skałkowa [Holy Mother of Rocks] in Podzamcze.
  •  Church dedicated to Lord’s Transformation, in Ogrodzieniec town, of 1787, with rococo fittings. Entered into the register of protected monuments. In front of the church is a statue of Holy Mother, of 1806, and a statue of Pope John Paul II.
  •  Church under the patronage of St Jacob in Gebło village – one of the oldest Roman churches – dating back to 13th century.
  •  Gentry manor house in Giebło village is situated in picturesque park complex, on the bank of a pond.
  •  Ryczowski Region Skałkowy [Ryczów Rocky Region] – a cluster of rocks and inselbergs in the area of Ryczów village (such formations, as: „Straszakowe Skały”, „Wielki Grochowiec”, „Wielki Cisownik” and „Ruska Góra”), on one of the rocks there are ruins of a watchtower from 14th century.
  •  Ruska Góra – forest reserve of the area of 153 ha established in 2000, near Smoleńsk, Złożeniec and Ryczów villages.
  •  The ruins of a gun powder factory from the beginning of the 18th century.


  •  The Invasion of Barbarians – an event during which the atmosphere of the early Middle Ages is recreated in the forecastle area of the Ogrodzieniec castle and on the Birów Mountain in Podzamcze (May).
  •  Monte Cassino – the forecastle area of the Ogrodzieniec castle (July)
  •  Swedish soldiers in the castle – the forecastle area of the Ogrodzieniec castle (July)
  •  Knight tournament – the forecastle area of the Ogrodzieniec castle (August)
  •  Soundtropolis – a night of techno and electronic music played in the forecastle area of the Ogrodzieniec castle (August)
  •  The Ogrodzieniec regional feast – a family event organised at the end of summer with music performances and fireworks display, set in the forecastle area of the Ogrodzieniec castle (August).
The Pilica commune

The seat of the commune authorities: the city of Pilica
Area: 140 km²
Population: 8,997
23 smaller administrative units (villages): Biskupice, Cisowa, Dobra, Dobra-Kolonia, Dobraków, Dzwonowice, Dzwono-Sierbowice, Jasieniec, Kidów, Kleszczowa, Kocikowa, Podleśna, Przychody, Siadcza, Sierbowice, Sławniów, Smoleń, Solca, Szyce, Wierbka, Wierzbica, Zarzecze, Złożeniec
Dominant characteristics: a tourist and agricultural area; farmlands 72,4%

The Pilica commune is situated in the very centre of the Zawiercie district and within the area of the landscape park “The Eagle Nests’ Trail“. The reasons for the region’s appeal and attractiveness to visitors are its beautiful and varied landscapes as well as an interesting past.

Palace and park complex from the turn of 16th and 17th centuries, with well-preserved ruins of a private palace – knight’s castle the construction of which was initiated in ca. 1570 by Wojciech Padniewski, the castellan of Oświęcim. In the park around the palace are natural monuments shaped
in beautiful alleys. The park is partially surrounded by still existing fortification walls. The palace is not accessible to visitors.

  •  Church under the patronage of St John the Baptist, from the turn of 14th and 15th centuries; initially it was a Gothic structure, presently, after numerous alterations, with remains of Gothic, it boasts Baroque and Rococo decorations.
  •  Reformers’ Monastery and a church, of 1746 – presently the sanctuary of Holy Mother of Snow, the Patron of Families. The founder of the monastery was Maria Józefa of the Wessel family, the widow of the prince Konstanty Sobieski. The garden near the church with the Stations of the Cross is worth visiting. There is also Pilgrim’s and Tourist House.
  •  Church of St Valentine from 17th century.
  •  Church under the patronage of St George of 1630.
  •  Remains of a wooden church under the patronage of St Peter and St Paul (with a well-preserved bell tower), destroyed during the fire in 1945, rising up on the hill over the Pilica River.
  •  Park and palace complex along with ruins of a castle in Smoleń, situated on the hill formed of late Jurassic limestone. Lay of the land with numerous inselbergs and caverns, protected specimens species of fauna and flora, decided of establishing of “Smoleń” nature reserve in 1959. An educational path called „Dolina Wodąca” has been set out in the neighbourhood (length – 4 km, walking time - about 4 hours, number of stops – 9).
  •  Ruins of eclectic palace in Wierbka, from 19th century, constructed by a representative of the family of Alexander Moes, son of Kristin Moes, the initiator of industrialization in Wierbka, Sławniów and Pilica vilages.
  •  In Pilica – Biskupice there is Jura’s biggest cemetery of soldiers who were killed during World War I.
  •  A Jewish cemetery in Pilica
  •  An evangelical cemetery in Pilica
  •  A wartime burial ground of Gypsies in Pilica


  •  Skilift in Cisowa (Tel. +48 32 644 70 52) located on a slope in the Barańskie Mountains (Góry Barańskie). Two ski routes: red (560 m long) and green (700 m long). The slope is well-lit and mainta ined with a snow groomer. A double T-bar lift with a capacity of 650 persons per hour. A parking ground and a bar. A skiing school, skiing equipment for rent and ski service are also available. The place is supervised by the Jura division of the Mountain Volunteer Rescue Service (GOPR). See also
  •  Skilift in Smoleń. The skiing ground with a T-bar lift is situated to the north-east of the castle ruins in Smoleń. The green route (300 m long) with a platter lift is lit at night and maintained with a snow groomer. There is a parking ground and a bar at the foot of the slope. See also
  •  A sports and recreation centre at the School Complex No 1 in Pilica.
  •  Facilities for playing football, volleyball, basketball, beachball and tennis, a sports hall for rent, a gym and a fitness room.
  •  The artificial lake in Pilica with a bathing beach open during the summer season
  •  Fish ponds in Pilica


  •  The School Art Review for schools in the Pilica commune (May/June)
The Poręba commune

The seat of the commune authorities: the city of Poręba
Area: 40.04 km²
Population: 8,747
Dominant characteristics: a municipality; farmlands 49%; woodlands 41%

Poręba is a small town in the southeastern part of the Zawiercie district, at the edge of the Kraków-
Częstochowa Jurassic Highland Chain. Because of its favourable location, the town is a good starting
point for both tourists who visit the Jura to relax and do sightseeing and commuters employed in the
highly developed industrial regions of Silesia and Zagłębie. The area has mineral deposits and mineralized water springs. The Czarna Przemsza river flows through the town.


  •  Parish church under the patronage of Holy Spirit, of 1901, constructed in neoGothic style – in Poręba.
  •  Period blast-furnace charge tower from 1798.
  •  Natural monuments: The over 720-year-old oak tree Bartek
  •  Two ca. 300-year-old beech trees on the Turkowa Mountain (Turkowa Góra)
  •  Two ca. 250-year-old Tilia cordata trees in Poręba-Krzemienda
  •  Future plans involve the creation of two new reserves in the commune: “Las Poręba“ and “Poręba Stawki“.


  •  Two fish ponds
  •  An outdoor swimming pool, a paddling pool, beachball courts, a tennis court
  •  A football pitch (located in ul. Chopina)
  •  Tradition Room (located in ul. Mickiewicza 2, Tel. +48 32 6771073)


  •  The Days of Poręba (June)
  •  Summer in the Town („Lato w mieście” - July)
  •  The World Festival of Roast Potatoes (a local dish - September)
The Szczekociny commune

The seat of the commune authorities: the city of Szczekociny
Area: 136 km²
Population: 8,221
18 smaller administrative units (villages): Bonowice, Brzostek, Bógdał, Chałupki, Drużykowa, Goleniowy, Grabiec, Gustawów – Małachów, Ołudza, Przyłęk, Rędziny, Rokitno, Siedliska, Starzyny, Szyszki, Tęgobórz, Wólka Ołudzka, Wólka Starzyńska
Dominant characteristics: a tourist and agricultural area; farmlands 67%; woodlands 22%

An important characteristic of the commune is the low level of environmental pollution despite the proximity of the Silesian agglomeration, which creates favourable conditions for the development of tourism and eco-farming.


  •  Park and palace complex in Szczekociny, in the style of Baroque and classical style of a residence, constructed in ca. 1770.
  •   Parish church under the patronage of St Bartłomiej [Bartholomew] of ca. 1620, reconstructed in early classical style in 1780.
  •  Baroque figure of St Florian on Tadeusz Kościuszko square, with a beautiful cartouche with a monogram of Franciszek Dębieński and year 1762 inscribed on it.
  •  The monument dedicated to the memory of soldiers of VIII Lancers Regiment of Prince Jozef Poniatowski.
  •  The monument to Tadeusz Kościuszko, funded by the community of Szczekociny in 1917.
  •  Kościuszko Mound in the fields near Chebdzie village (just outside the district’s boundaries).
  •  Grochwski Mound is a mass grave of Polish scythebearing peasant recruits of the Kosciuszko Insurrection in 1794, in Wywła village, situated just outside the district’s boundaries.


  •  The Pilica river and its tributaries Żebrówka and Krztynia, fish ponds in Szczekociny and Tęgoborze, the artificial lake in Szczekociny
  •  Recreational facilities by the artificial lake in Szczekociny
  •  Canoes for rent offered by the Volunteer Fire Brigade, which also organises canoeing events
  •  A small stadium and a provisional football pitch next to the palace complex in Szczekociny


  •  The Days of Szczekociny, combined with the Folk Music Festival and the Folk Art and Craftwork Fair
  •  The Inter-communal Trek along the Scythe-bearers’ Trail, for children and the young (July)
  •  The Jewish Culture Festival in Szczekociny (July)
  •  The Harvest Feast (August/September)
The Włodowice commune

The seat of the commune authorities: the village of Włodowice
Area: 76.29 km²
Population: 5,284
10 smaller administrative units (villages): Góra Włodowska-Wieś, Góra Włodowska-Kolonia, Hucisko, Morsko, Kopaniny, Parkoszowice, Rudniki, Rzędkowice, Skałka, Zdów
Dominant characteristics: a tourist and agricultural area; farmlands 57%; woodlands 32%

The Włodowice commune is situated in the west part of the Zawiercie district and within the area of the landscape park “The Eagle Nests’ Trail“. The region makes a perfect stay for visitors who want to escape urban environment as well as the lovers of jurassic landscapes and the increasingly popular mountain climbing.


  •  A unique urban layout of Medieval centre square in Włodowice.
  •  Baroque church under the patronage of St Bartholomew, erected in 1st decade of 18th century.
  •  Ruins of a palace from 1st half of 18th century that was destroyed by fires, was originally erected probably by Stanislaus Warszycki, the famous castellan of Cracow, in place of previous larch wood manor house. First time the castle was burnt down in 1655 during the Swedish invasion. In 1870 it housed high agronomical school founded by Michał Poleski, with famous and well equipped library. Subsequent fires in 1931 and 1956 destroyed the palace entirely. Presently, the palace is not accessible to visitors.
  •  Range of Rzędkowickie Rocks.
  •  An educational path between Rzędkowice and Morsko (length – 6 km, walking time – about 3 hours, number of stops – 9).
  •  The path has been set out on the area of high natural value. The area includes three ranges of hills: Rzędkowickie, Podlesickie and Morskie Rocks.


  •  A modern sports hall of the gymnasium in Włodowice with a gym, a climbing wall and a rehabilitation room.
  •  The artificial lake in Włodowice, used as a bathing beach during the summer season. A football pitch nearby.
The Żarnowiec commune

The seat of the commune authorities: the village of Żarnowiec
Area: 124.77 km²
Population: 4,904
14 smaller administrative units (villages): Brzeziny, Chlina, Jeziorowice, Koryczany, Łany Małe, Łany Średnie, Łany Wielkie, Małoszyce, Otola, Otola Mała, Udórz, Wola Libertowska, Zabrodzie, Żarnowiec
Dominant characteristics: an agricultural area; farmlands 74%; woodlands 22%

The commune is situated on the border area between the Kraków-Częstochowa Highland and the Miechowska Highland. The southern part remains within the protective zone of the lanscape park “The Eagles’ Nests Trail”. The advantages of the region include a large distance from important communication routes, fresh air and closeness to nature.


  •  Renovated church under the patronage of St Wojciech [Adalbert] with period wall paintings from 15th century in Łany Wielkie village – funded by Adelaide, the wife of Kazimierz Wielki [Casimir the Great].
  •  Gothic church of the Nativity of Our Lady, from 1528 in Żarnowiec.
  •  Beautifully preserved granary of 1784 in Udórz, surrounded by the park crisscrossed with alleys, shaded by canopies of shaped hornbeams. The main alley in the park planted with littleleaf lindens and durmast oaks, meanders up to the ruins of the castle.
  •  Ruins of the castle of 14th century in Udórz that was most probably erected by Długosz family of Wieniawa, who received Udórz from the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in 1365. Embankments of prehistoric settlement are in the vicinity of the ruins.
  •  Church under the patronage of St Bartłomiej [Bartholomew] in Chlin village.
  •  Museum of Folk Art of Antoni Toborowicz in Wola Libertowska.
  •  Period huts and homesteads from 2nd half of 19th century in Jeziorowice, Koryczany, Wola Libertowska Chlin Zamiechówka villages, as well as roadside shrines in Jeziorowice, Wola Libertowska, Sławniów, Kleszczowa and Wierzbica villages are worth visiting.


  •  The stud in Udórz (the address: Udórz 72,
  •  T he “Trzy Korony” Stadium In Żarnowiec with a full-size football pitch, volleyball and basketball courts and a running track.
  •  DELPHINUS Centre in Żarnowiec (the address: ul. Miechowska, tel. (032) 6449027 e-mail Massage, physicotherapy, a sports hall and a swimming pool


  •  Folk Feast (February)
  •  The tournament of the Village Housewives’ Society of the Zawiercie district (April)
  •  The celebrations commemorating the fallen soldiers of the “Parasol” division of the Polish Home Army, held at the memorial plate in Udórz (July)
  •  The Days of Żarnowiec (July)
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